How do I fix the stuck key on the keyboard?
Computers & Internet

Answers 1


A bad key on the keyboard can’t even write the simplest email. After all, if you lose any of the keys, you may not be able to write a single sentence.

First, if your keyboard does not have a separate numeric keypad, check the Numlock button. If it is turned on, it may rearrange some of the keys and make the other keys unusable. 

Second, there may be something under the bad key, you must clean it up.

If it is an external keyboard, flip it over and gently tap the back. If this does not work, loosen the paper clip and try to remove the object that stuck the key from under the key.

If none of this works, or if the problem is with the laptop’s built-in keyboard, use repair tool that compressed air to blow off anything under the problem key. You can buy one can of compressed air for just $4. Make sure the one you buy has a very thin straw (almost everything is done).

Connect the pipette to the nozzle of the can, point the pipette under the problem button, and blow the air under the key. Hope this will eliminate dirt.

If these methods do not solve the stuck keyboard key, it is recommended to use an external keyboard or use the on-screen keyboard. These methods are all used when you are temporarily anxious to type on the keyboard. If the price of replacing a laptop keyboard is very expensive, you do not want to explain the maintenance cost of the keyboard, you can also consider doing so.

The final recommendation is to consider replacing the laptop keyboard. It is very easy for an external keyboard. Just buy one and plug it in. However, the portability of the laptop makes it very inconvenient to bring an external keyboard out. You can purchase a matching laptop repair keyboard and refer to the repair video at youtube, and you can repair your broken keyboard keys for a small fee.


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