How do I add Signature in Juno email?
Computers & Internet

Answers 1
David Wiese


Add Digital Signature in Your Juno Account

Juno email nowadays is the best mailing service providers in the world. It has several features which are very unique and only because of these features more and more are getting attracted towards to Juno email and increasing its popularity as well as its credibility. Juno email has now come up with a feature in which customers can add a signature to customers Juno email account.

For this customers need to follow certain steps:

· For adding a basic signature:

-Go to Juno email and log in with the email address in which customers want to add the signature.

-Select the settings menu.

-Look for the signature section. There customers will find a drop down section on which customers email address will be mentioned.

-Now mention the signature. customers can add anything according to customers wish in the signature field like customers name, designation or anything. customers can even use the formatting tool and can change the color, font etc of the signature.

-Now to the signature, add links. customers can easily use the signature for customers any other website. Just select the link button and customers will be directed to it.

-customers can also make different signatures by the same process for different email addresses.

Furthermore, if customers face any issue in understanding these steps, then just tell us so that we can improve our guides.



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