How do you move photos and images to archive in Google Photos?
Computers & Internet

Answers 1

How to Move photos to file on Google Photos

You can hide the photos from your photo view and move them to the file. This can help you organize your photos and hide any photos you don't want to see often.

Any photo you archive:

  1. It will still be in the albums to which they were added, in the search results and in the folders of your device.
  2. It will not be used to create movies or animations.

If you have a document, receipt or photo that does not appear to be in your Photo library, you can obtain a wizard card to move it to the file.

Move images to file

  1. On your Computer, iPhone, Android Devices and open
  2. Sign in to your Google account.
  3. Select a photo.
  4. Click More More and then Archive.
  5. Optional: To view the photos you have archived from your photo view, click Menu Menu and then Archive.

Review file and unarchive articles

  1. On your Computer, iPhone, Android Devices and open
  2. Click Menu Menu and then File.
  3. Select a photo. To select multiple photos, point to each photo and click Select.
  4. Click More More and then Unarchive.

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