How to Permanently Delete a Hotmail Account Without Password?
Computers & Internet

How to delete a Hotmail account permanently without password

Answers 1
Lucy David


How to delete Hotmail account without password


Hotmail is one of the best mail service providers which provides many types of facility to their user. Hotmail basically used for mailing services and also it has a calendar, contact list, Microsoft office etc. It is used by many users. Hotmail can store up to 5-10 GB of data but users can increase the storage easily if they want. They have to upgrade it on a premium account which is chargeable and their cloud storage capacity can increase up to 1TB.


In some case, the user needs to delete the Hotmail account permanently because of some personal reason without the password. Maybe because they have lost the recovered number or it could be some other reason. They can’t able to generate the new number and wants to delete the account for privacy. If any user wants to know about how to delete Hotmail account permanently without password then they can follow these simple steps given below.


Delete Hotmail account

Hotmail account requires a password when you delete the account permanently. In case if any user wants to permanently delete Hotmail account without password then they may face some difficulties while doing it. These below steps help you to delete your account in an easy way. Follow the steps-

Step 1: Open your Account Homepage. Select the setting button which you can find on the right side of the upper menu bar.

Step 2: It redirects you on the other page. Then click on the security and password option.

Step 3: Under this, you can see many types of options. In case of removing all the account then select every option. After this, you have to select the last option from your device named close my account.

Step 4: In the next step the new page is open. You have to select all the options for permanent delete of your service.

Step 5: Now the last option wants from you the reason to delete. Select any reason from the options.

Step 6: After this, you have to click on the mark your account for closure type of button.

Step 7: In the last click the done button. The removing process is successfully finished.



All the data is permanently deleted from your device. But it usually takes 60 days to delete your account permanently from the database and during this period if the user tries to log in their account again then it rejects the ongoing deleting process and the account starts working again. 


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