[Solved] PUBG Cannot find dxgi.dll Error
Computers & Internet

Answers 1


Does it look familiar? You may see an error message like this when you start PLAYERUNKNOWN'SS BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG) on your computer:

• Can not find 'dxgi.dll'. Please reinstall this application.

But do not worry. Many players have solved that PUBG can not find the dxgi.dll error message with the solutions below. So keep reading and we'll help you start the program again in a moment.

Try these corrections

You should not have to try them all. Just try each one until everything works again.

1. Reinstall the dxgi.dll file

2. Delete or rename the dxgi.dll file

3. Install the DirectX web installer package for the end-user.

4. Update the driver of your graphics card.

5. Run Steam as administrator

Solution 1: Reinstall the dxgi.dll file

If dxgi.dll is missing or missing from your computer, you can fix your problem by restoring the missing file to your computer. To do so, use the DLL-files.com client.

The DLL-files.com Client will fix your DLL error in one click. You do not have to know what system is running on your computer and you do not have to worry about downloading the wrong file. The DLL-files.com file handles everything for you.

1. Download and install the DLL-files.com client.

2. Run the application.

3. Type dxgi.dll in the search box and click Search DLL.

4. Click on dxgi.dll in the search result.

5. Click Install (you are asked to register the program before you can install the files, you will be asked to click Install).

Once installed, check if your missing dxgi.dll problem has been fixed.

Fix 2: Delete or rename the dxgi.dll file

The dxgi.dll file is used for the Reshade effect when playing PUBG on your computer, so you may try to remove or rename the dxgi.dll file on your computer to fix it. PUBG can not find the problem dxgi.dll. Here is how to do it:

1. Go to the file directory indicated in the error message, it should generally be:

C:> Program files (x86)> Steam> steamapps> common> PUBG> TsIGame> Binaries> Win64.

2. In the folder, locate the dxgi.dll file and delete it.

Or you can change the name of the dxgi.dll file with d3d11.dll.

3. Restart your computer and start your PUBG again to see if it works.

Note that deleting the dxgi.dll file from the folder of your game should solve your problem and allow you to start the game correctly, but you will lose the Reshade when you play. As long as there is the last patch in the game, download and install the last patch of the game and you should have the Reshae back.

Solution 3: Install the DirectX End-User User Runtime web installer package

Because this dxgi.dll file is part of the DirectX function, you can install the DirectX Web Runtime Package, which includes the dxgi.dll file, and thus eliminate the error. To do it

1. Go to the Microsoft DirectX End-User User Runtime web installation download page.

2. Select the appropriate language according to your computer and click Download.

3. Download the DirectX End-User User Runtime web installer and install it on your computer.

4. Restart your computer and start PUBG again to see if it works.

If the error can not find dxgi.dll still appears in PUBG, do not worry. We have other solutions for you.

Solution 4: Update the driver of your graphics card.

The missing or outdated graphics card driver may also cause PUBG to not be able to find the dxgi.dll error, so you should verify that the driver of your graphics card is up to date.

There are two ways to update the video card driver: manually and automatically.

Manually: you can go to the manufacturer of your graphics card and find the last correct driver that is compatible with your Windows operating system. This requires time and computer skills.


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