When is the cheapest time to book a flight?
Computers & Internet

What is the best time/day to book a cheap international as well as domestic flights?

Answers 1


The cheapest days to fly and the best time to buy flight tickets

  1. Buy on Tuesday. Best day and the best time to book a flight to USA is usually Tuesday at 3 p.m (Eastern Time)
  2. Do not buy too early or too late. Watch out!
  3. Always compare airfare. The golden rule of shopping is to always compare air fares before booking a seat
  4.  The cheapest days to fly. In USA Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday are considered to be the cheapest to fly across country.
  5. Fly the cheapest route. Take the connecting flights as direct flights are usually expensive comparatively to connecting flights.
  6. Book a group trip, one ticket at a time. Not always but you can try this option as well to get a cheap flight ticket, try start booking single ticket if you are travelling in group.

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