How do I Change Comcast Xfinity Wifi Password and Name?
Computers & Internet

I forgot my Comcast wi-fi password, how do I change or reset it?

Answers 1
Halen Hogan

07-Jun-2019 to reset the password

There have often been problems related to changing the Xfinity or Comcast WiFi password. This article will provide detailed steps to change the Xfinity WiFi password and also the steps to recover the password. Make sure the steps are followed correctly to get the best results.

Here are the steps to change the Xfinity WiFi password:

1. To make changes to the Comcast account, first, open the access point.

2. Now move to any of the Internet browsers and start it to make some changes.

3. Open the Comcast sign-in page and enter the correct sign-in credentials.

4. Go to the ‘Settings’ options on the home page.

5. Click on “Change password” in the configuration option.

6. As the new window opens, enter the previous password and also the new password in the required boxes.

7. Finally, click on the “Accept” button once done.

If the previous steps are followed correctly, now the WiFi password will be changed. Are you looking for Comcast password recovery steps? To recover the Comcast password, first, go to “Gateway” and then “Connections”. Go to the ‘WiFi’ option and click on the ‘Edit’ button. The user can now change the “Network Name (SSID)” and “Network Password” for the desired login credentials. Finally, click on the “Save settings” button. Contact the technical experts for more information about the Xfinity WiFi password change process.

Technical expert teams are better equipped to provide troubleshooting steps in case the user can not change the password, account-related issues or the user has problems with Xfinity. Change the Comcast password to access the WiFi connection.


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